Monday, January 12, 2009

Do you have a vision?

God often works through a vision - I am not referring to visions of future happenings although God could choose to work in that way. I am referring to a plan, a purpose, a dream, a goal.

In just a few short days this country will inaugurate the first multi-racial person as President. Regardless of your political persuasion this is a historic day in the life of this nation. It wasn't all that long ago that Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous "I have a dream speech." He could have said, "I have a vision." The terms are some what synonymous. Dr. King saw a day when this nation would judge a person by the "content of his character not the color of his skin." Unfortunately, that was a radical idea at the time and under the circumstances of that era. Has his dream been fully realized? The answer to that question is debatable but on January 20, 2009 this nation will take a significant leap forward in that regard. Dr. King set a vision in motion that continues today.

In the same way God works through vision. God gave a grand and radical vision to Noah ('build an ark'), Abraham ('go to a land that I will show You'), Nehemiah ('rebuild the walls'), David ('shepherd My people'), Daniel ('stand firm'), Ezekiel ('write of tomorrow'), Peter ('feed my sheep'), Paul ('preach where no man has preached'), so forth and so on.

Every follower of Christ has been given certain gifts and abilities that God expects and commands us to use for His glory and for His honor. God will give us a vision, a plan, a purpose, a goal that matches and flows out of those gifts He has given us. How has God burdened your heart? What vision has He given you that He wants you to work toward that will bring Him honor, build His Kingdom, and further His cause?

Maybe He wants you to start a new ministry within the local church, maybe He wants you to surrender to full-time missions, maybe He is calling you to vocational ministry, maybe He wants you to volunteer for a leadership position. Only you can know what God wants you to do but I know this to be true, God has a vision for each of us. Will you seek the will of God and find what He wants you to do for Him?

Cast your vision, dream your dream, set your goal and trust God to work in you and through you. As you seek God's vision for your life keep in mind that the vision He wants you to work toward is for His honor and His glory, not our own.