Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's a New Year, What will we do with it?

We are closing in on the official end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009. At its most basic level a new year is nothing more than a date change. In reality, very few, if any, changes take place the night of December 31st heading into the morning of January 1st. And yet for many of us we will look at 2009 as a new opportunity. A new opportunity in our business and personal affairs, a new opportunity to lose weight or get into better physical shape. A new opportunity to change direction and 'turn over a new leaf.' Whatever the case undoubtedly many of us will embark on some sort of new journey this new year. Where that journey takes us we won't know until this time next year but we do know that there is a journey ahead.

Here are some thoughts regarding my journey that I am praying for. It is my prayer that I will strive to know God more intimately and to make Him known to those in my sphere of influence. It is my prayer that I will allow God to use me to bring Him glory and honor however He wants and wherever He wants. It is my prayer that I will love my wife and children like never before and model for them a life lived in pursuit of knowing Christ. It is my prayer that God will do things in and through the people of Riverbend Baptist Church that only He can do.

In closing I want to share with you a quote by Woodrow Kroll that brings everything into perspective. This quote is from his book, 'Facing Your Final Job Review'...

"Living a life of service for the Master is more than just a demanding responsibility; it's an exciting privilege. The sovereign God could have written the gospel message in the stars or commissioned legions of angels to share it with people. Instead, he chose inept, unworthy individuals like you and me. Unto us have been committed the words of eternal life. The gospel story, which can change the destiny of our friends and family, has been entrusted to us. It is quite an awesome thought."

Have a great new year and next year. I want to encourage you to live life with the end in mind.

1 comment:

Pops said...

Thanks for the jump start to thinking on and about our live in eternity. I share with you the desire for all us, esp. starting with me,to think and act with eternity foremost in our minds.